Sunday, August 14, 2011

With the encouragement from a great friend, I have decided to start an organizing blog.  My goal with this blog to twofold; to re-organize my home and family and in return, hopefully inspire others to become organized or re-organized! :)

I have always been an organizing junky, even as a child.  I had a walk-in-closet as a child and that was my playroom.  I would sit in there for hours, organizing my Barbie Dolls.  As I became older, my bedroom became my focus, always cleaning, organizing, moving furniture around and decorating (with what I had).  I could not wait to have a home of my own to organize!  When I finally got that home, I enjoyed organizing it and thankfully, I have an extremely handy and talented husband who helps me.  

After the birth of our son, the organizing continued but after the premature birth of our daughter, the organization went out the door, until now.  Now, I am ready to get our home, family and life back to being organized.  

I have done some smalls projects and over the next couple of weeks, I will share the projects.  I have some bigger projects I want to tackle and as these projects are tackled, time permitting, I will share them, too! 

I am very excited with this new venture in the blogging world but most of all, I am excited to inspire and help others to organize!  

Happy Organizing! 